It’s Sun Day.

So The Huntress915, who’s tough enough to take on the other 914, nominated me for a Sunshine Award, which is nice since I have a dark sense of humor, and The Huntress is a pretty amazing person. She’s smart and accomplished and from Texas, and you know what the say about how you shouldn’t mess with Texas. At least I hope someone knows it because I can’t remember it. I think it might be “Don’t aggravate the Lone Star State”, but that’s another story.
This is my first Sunshine Award, although I have been nominated for the Liebster Award twice, and I can never figure out how to add these to my blog, just like I haven’t figured out how to make it easy for people to leave comments without dealing with spam. And the other rule I always break is that I never nominate anyone else for the award. I appreciate the recognition and I want to pass it on and there are a lot of blogs I really like–more than the usual recommended five–but blogs are also a personal thing and I don’t want anyone to feel obligated to break out of whatever they’ve got planned. So if you’re a regular here or follow this blog or just dropped by consider this your Sunshine Award, and I’ll try and fix those grawlixing comments.
Oh yeah, and there’s one last thing: five random facts about myself. Here goes:

-I can guess anyone’s age within five years if they tell me their birthday.

-I was once arrested for impersonating a member of the Bulgarian royal family. I was in Liechtenstein at the time.

-I can eat an entire jar of peanut butter. It usually takes a couple of months.

-I have an extensive collection of walks into a bar jokes.

-I’ve been known to make up weird random facts about myself.

Facebook Comments


  1. Bookstooge

    See, things like this are why I haven’t moved to a straight up dotcom. “What if” preys on my mind 🙂

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      The difficulties of moving to a straight up dotcom do make staying with WordPress worth it. Alas the dotcom is what I started with, and I’ve become attached to it.

  2. Arionis

    That should be five hilarious facts! Thanks for the chuckle today and congrats on the award!
    Arionis recently posted…642 Things To Write About – 5/642My Profile

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Thank you, I’d like to thank the academy…and it should come as no surprise that you’re one of the bloggers I thought about passing the award on to, along with others who’ve commented here. Now that I think about it you could use it as a writing prompt. So have a Sunshine Award on me.

  3. theorangutanlibrarian

    hahaha love your facts!

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Thinking up the facts was definitely the most fun part of this.

  4. Ann Koplow

    Thanks for bringing the sunshine, Chris, every day you blog. My birthday is groundhog day. How old am I? And isn’t that a variant of a question you often get asked?
    Ann Koplow recently posted…Day 2405: Live with intention.My Profile

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Thank you for bringing the sunshine of your comments. Groundhog Day, in addition to being your birthday, causes some people to ask, What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn’t one yesterday. I’m glad you’re here today.

  5. Tom

    You just had me laughing the f out loud at work. 🤣

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      My work here is done. I just hope your laughing didn’t scare away any customers.

  6. Kristine Laco

    “I was once arrested for impersonating a member of the Bulgarian royal family. I was in Liechtenstein at the time.” Am I the only one who noticed this line?
    You are always deserving of awards!
    Kristine Laco recently posted…Being Polite Without Saying SorryMy Profile

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      No one else seems to have commented on my pretending to be Prince Grozdan of Kazanluk while I was in Rotenboden, but maybe they were just too flummoxed to say anything.


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