Titles Not Available Separately.

Opening your own B&B or running one but lacking that special something? Purchase the J-Tel Generic B&B Library for the complete package of books you’ll find in sleepy retreats from Ashland, Maine to Ashland, California. This set is guaranteed to keep your guests entertained when not playing board games, antiquing, or just dozing by the fireplace.

Titles include:

Drinkers Go Last by Sam Lockwell

Buoys of Eastern Upstate New York

Marmalade Sunshine by Jeri Lynn Kelleran

Channel Markers OF The Great Lakes

Photos Taken From Airplanes (text by Peter Graves)

The Complete S. Holmes Stories of Sir A.C. Doyle (Reader’s Digest Condensed Version)

Three complete novels by Norbert Clark (Omnibus collection-Contagion/Plague/Putrescence)

The Florida Be Crazy Collection, selected and edited by Carl Hiaasen

Murder By Medic by Jane Taunton

Brothel Girls of Gold Rush Des Moines by Dr. Sylvester Yawlson

Influenza By Intent by Jane Taunton

Vanuatu by James Clavell (1800-page Reader’s Digest Condensed Version)

Capture By Catarrh by Jane Taunton

Mostly Polite Jokes (Volume 2)

Grasses of Pauquin Island

Demonic Debutante Divorcees by Jeri Lynn Kelleran

The Mammoth Book of Pebbles

The World’s Filthiest Limericks, edited by Ogden Nash

Facebook Comments


  1. Gina W.

    I have never stayed at a bed-and-breakfast before so I’ll have to take your word for it. I don’t think I would feel comfortable staying with strangers in such an intimate setting. Kind of like this tweet which I favorited a few months ago:
    “@GrantTanaka: Going to a bed and breakfast this weekend, ’cause I enjoy having pancakes with strangers who heard me f*ckin my wife the night before.”

    Also, thanks for including me on your side bar as a recommended blog. I was greatly touched!

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      I’ve never stayed in one either, but I’ve been in a few and it seems they all have the same books in their bookcase. Now that I say that, though, I feel like I’m ripping off Portlandia. And that tweet is brilliant. That’s Grant Tanaka of Mythbusters, right? I always liked him but had no idea he was that funny.

      1. Gina W.

        No, Grant Tanaka is just a regular guy who is popular on Twitter. I only know this because I recently saw an interview he did. He’s an accountant in LA but obviously he’s missing his true calling which is comedy.

  2. John Pearce

    I like the pancake come back!


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