There’s a saying that if you want a comedian to do something tell them not to do it. I’m not sure who said that. Maybe it was me because I seem to have seen so many examples of it. One of the most prominent is a story told by Rick Reynolds, whose birthday is today. It’s from his one-man show All Grown Up And No Place To Go. He ranges from very funny to very serious and always, even when joking, deeply personal.
He uses this story about a prison gig to illustrate his own childlike tendency to blurt out the most inappropriate things, but I think it’s also a valuable lesson in standup comedy.
As usual, I receive a valuable lesson here; I’m going to watch more of Rick Reynolds. Fabulous. Happy birth-month to him and to you, Chris.
As usual I’m indebted to a friend who lent me his CD of All Grown Up And No Place To Go, so I’m happy to be passing on what he gave me.
I’d like to see more of him too!
So would I. He had a short-lived sitcom, which I completely missed, and he seems to have disappeared for the moment. I keep thinking he’ll resurface eventually.
Brilliant! Thank you. Had not heard of this guy in the UK but will look at for him on YouTube now.
Most people haven’t heard of him and he seems to have disappeared, but I’ve enjoyed his performances so much I’m glad to give his career a tiny push.