Hidden In Plain Sight.

hidden1Placement of a work of art is incredibly important. Artists want their work to be seen and seen at its best. When Mark Rothko began working on paintings for the Mark Rothko Chapel in Houston, Texas he worked to find ways to recreate the light in his New York studio. The project’s initial architect even left because of creative differences. Rothko simply refused to budge when it came to the specific quality of the light he wanted.

Anyway it’s a given that artists want their work to be seen, that they want their work to be as visible as possible, right?

So why then would three different artists put their work in a narrow space between a couple of buildings where it’s unlikely anyone would see it? It’s an even more difficult question when two of the works are especially elaborate. The third, in the middle, is by “UH”, whose tag I’ve seen in other spots around the city.

It’s especially frustrating to me because there’s just not enough space to get a decent picture.

hidden2It looks like they all also used the same color, a stark black. Maybe it was unintentional but it’s a reminder that nothing about art is as simple as black and white.


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  1. mydangblog

    It’s like one of those secret galleries that only the cool kids know about!

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Yes! I hadn’t thought of that. Or one of those clubs or restaurants that’s so exclusive it doesn’t advertise and is in an unmarked building. If you aren’t in on the secret you’re not invited.

  2. Ann Koplow

    Art may be difficult to find (like your posts, for example), but who knows how many will enjoy them?

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      I hope my posts aren’t difficult to find but I’m grateful for comments from you and others. They’re how I know my work is enjoyed.

      1. Ann Koplow

        I have no difficulty finding your posts and appreciating each one, Chris.

  3. Spoken Like A True Nut

    I’m forever wandering into weird corners and hidden places just to see what’s there. Maybe that’s the point, to see who’s looking. While some artists choose to go for maximum exposure and are happy with any audience they can get, others prefer to make you work for it.

    Of course, there’s also the consideration that it’s a lot easier to get away with spray painting a wall that isn’t yours if you’re not standing out in the open being obvious about it…

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      I also love wandering into weird corners. I once accidentally set off a security alarm because I’d wandered through a building and found myself at the bottom of a stairwell facing a door that seemed like the easiest way out. It wasn’t marked so how was I supposed to know it would set off an alarm? Fortunately I was long gone by the time security arrived, if they ever did.
      And, yeah, the hidden nature of the spot may have been its appeal. I’d have thought they were practicing if that weren’t some pretty nice work.


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