No Thanks.

creditcardI got a credit card offer in the mail that said “You’ve been pre-selected!” What does that mean?
I’ve been selected before I’ve been selected? Am I now selected or do I have to apply? Have I been selected to apply? According to the fine print that’s what it means. I’ve been selected to apply but my approval isn’t guaranteed. I’ve really just been invited to apply but I may not get a credit card. The credit card company, on the other hand, gets my information, including the fact that I’m really that gullible.
So I’ve made a pre-decision to not apply for the credit card.

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  1. halfa1000miles

    I am pre-proud of you. I’m holding back in case you scrounge through the trash and change your mind.

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      I appreciate that and will do my best to earn your post-pride. I promise I’m not going to change my mind but garbage pickup is Wednesday so you’re welcome to withhold your pride until then.

  2. Arionis

    I thought about pre-posting a comment on this last week but I never got an e-mail pre-approving me to do so.

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Your pre-approval is in the mail.

  3. mydangblog

    So the credit card offer was “pre”mature? I guess you weren’t “pre”pared for such adulation by credit card companies. Sorry–those weren’t even groan-worthy!

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Hey, those were definitely groan-worthy. They were certainly better than the offer itself, although that might be damning with faint praise.

  4. Maria F.

    That irritates me also. I think it’s more of a manipulation. I’ve gotten those letters for personal loans.

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      It’s very manipulative and I’m sure some people get taken advantage of by these sorts of notices. I haven’t named the company but I hope by making fun of it I’ll force them to reconsider what they’re doing.

  5. Gilly Maddison

    I save up manipulative shite like this and make sure I retain all the pre-paid return envelopes. When I have a few, I remove all traces of my contact details and use the pre-paid return envelopes to send stuff back. But I mix it all up so I am making these companies pay to receive each other’s nonsense. I would strongly advocate this for everyone and maybe, if they all get inundated with useless mail they have had to pay for, they will stop sending this garbage out to us.

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      That’s hilarious and brilliant. It reminds me of something George Carlin said about advertisements that came stuffed in with his bills. He said no one ever really looks at those advertisements so they’re really just sending you garbage, so he decided he’d return the favor by enclosing things like banana peels and used teabags with his payments and a note that said, “Would you please throw this away for me?”


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