The Real Story Of The Three Little Pigs
“Listen, I’ve come up with a plan. You know that guy who’s always bugging us? I know I’m tired of him always coming around and I know you two must be too, so I’ve figured out a way to take care of him.”
“You mean we’re gonna get him locked up?”
“No. We need something permanent. You know he’s been locked up before and in three or six months he’s out again, coming around and annoying everybody. The plan I have is to take him out for good.”
“You mean—“
“Yes. That’s exactly what I mean. The guy’s a menace, a real menace, and it’s time we stepped up and took some real action to get rid of the son of a bitch.”
“That’s funny.”
“Son of a bitch. Because he’s a—“
“All right! Enough kidding around! We need to get serious. Now here’s my plan. Mike, you need to build a house out of straw.”
“Why do I need to build a house out of straw? What’s wrong with the place where we live now?”
“Shut up! This is all part of a bigger plan. We can’t just take him out somewhere and rub him out. That would look bad. There’d be too many questions. It doesn’t matter that no one likes him. People would still be suspicious. And he wouldn’t fall for it. We have to be careful here. All right, Jeff, you need to build a house out of sticks.”
“Why sticks?”
“Because I’ve only got enough straw for one house, okay? And we’ve got sticks all over the place.”
“Why not build two places out of sticks then?”
“Because I’ve already got the straw! And here’s what we do. Mike, you wait in your straw house until he comes around.”
“How do we know he’ll come around?”
“He always does, doesn’t he? And when he comes around you knock the house down.”
“After I’ve gone to all the trouble to build it?”
“Yes! And then you act like he did it. Act all scared and run to Jeff’s stick house.”
“Yeah, I learned how to make a pretty good lean-to out of sticks when I was a kid.”
“I don’t care! Then when he comes around to Jeff’s stick house you knock it down too.”
“Sticks are heavy! What if they fall on us?”
“Use little sticks!”
“It’s not gonna be big enough for both of us if I use little sticks. Are you really sure you’ve thought this through?”
“It doesn’t have to be that big! Look, just hide behind it and kick it down from the outside. This doesn’t have to be that difficult. Now after you kick it down you run here, okay?”
“And we act scared.”
“Now you’re getting it. When you get here come in and lock the door. Then when Wolf comes knocking we’ll tell him the door is stuck or something and the only way in is through the chimney.”
“What about the windows?”
“Shut up! He won’t ask about the windows and if he does we’ll say they’re swelled shut or something. We’ll just keep telling him the only way in is to climb up on the roof and come in through the chimney. Eventually he’ll go up there and come down the chimney. We’ll have a nice big fire going.”
“What? Come on, Kevin, this is pretty serious, even for him. When you said you had a plan we thought maybe you’d make him move away or something. We didn’t think you meant—“
“How else did you think we were gonna get rid of him? Come on, the guy’s a huge hassle and he’s always going to be one. Jeff, remember that time he ‘borrowed’ your lawnmower?”
“Well you told him he could.”
“Shut up! I just told him where it was.”
“You know, I’m getting pretty tired of you telling us to—“
And Mike, remember the time you found him sleeping in your bed?”
“Well you let him in the house and then you went off and left him there alone.”
“Yeah, I had to go to court, remember? For that traffic thing where they said I was responsible but we all know the light was yellow when I went through the intersection. I was trying to be nice and just told him to make himself comfortable. I didn’t tell him he could sleep in your bed. He did that all on his own. The guy’s a menace. He bothers everybody, and he’s nothing but trouble. Don’t you agree we did something? Come on, guys, we’ve got a huge problem and we need to fix it once and for all.”
“Yeah, I agree.”
“Me too.”
“Hey, guys, thanks for having me over. Kinda warm for a fire, though, ain’t it?”
“We just thought it would be fun to fire up the grill.”
“Sure, sure, always a good way to make something tasty.” Wolf sniffed the air. “It’s really nice of you to invite me over for lunch. Speaking of that something smells pretty good there. What is it we’re having?”
Jeff and Mike exchanged looks.
Can’t wait to read this to my 7 year old grandson! Much better than the fake version. 🙂
If your grandson doesn’t like my version maybe he’ll like Christopher Walken’s reading.
Pretty funny! Needs more cowbell though.
Let me guess: you’ve got a fever and the prescription is…anyway, let me help.

Haha! Love it! Bet that jizz waffle Kevin never saw it coming.
Somehow Kevin never sees it coming. In the end Kevin always gets it.
Oh, that’s good!
I’m so glad you liked it.
I’m huffing and puffing, Chris.
I love it! I just wish it was that easy with politicians:-)
That would put a whole new spin on the expression “pork barrel projects”. Although the scary thing is I’m pretty sure politicians do eat their own.