It’s not every day that I see an abandoned golf cart just sitting right there by the bus stop. It’s just two, maybe three days a week. And also technically it’s not really a golf cart because it’s used by a maintenance crew or to carry around visitors to the university campus. And if you’re going to get really technical about it then it’s not really abandoned, but still every time I see it I think, well, how long is it going to be there and is there time for me to take it out for a spin? I wouldn’t drive it all the way home, or even that far away. I’d just like to go for a quick ride. Little carts like that are more fun to drive than regular cars for some reason. Maybe it’s because they make me feel like a kid again and actually had a motorized little car I could ride on and it had a top speed of sixty inches an hour. That didn’t matter. On Saturday mornings my friends and I could still imagine it was a magic dune buggy that took us on wacky adventures.
Somehow it was always easier to have fun with friends which is why it’s a good thing I’m always alone when I see that cart. If I were with friends I might be even more tempted to take it and, well, they just might encourage me and we would all take turns. Or maybe they’d stop me. Or try to stop me. That reminds me of the old saying about friends. A good friend is one who will bail you out of jail. A really good friend is one who’s sitting next to you in the cell saying, “Well, that was fun.”
I love driving golf carts! I feel badass without a seatbelt and it feels like you can’t hurt yourself going that slow even if you take corners really fast to scare the crap out of your passenger. Good times.
When I was a teenager I took golfing lessons. The truth is the only reason I kept taking them is because the instructor allowed me to drive the golf cart if I made a good shot or two. Bah, I should have thought of this earlier but, to paraphrase Mark Twain, golf is a good ride in a golf cart spoiled.
Well, that was fun, Chris.
Well, that was a fun comment from you, Ann.
The only reason I’ve ever gone golfing is just so I can drive the golf cart. There’s a store in my town that sells them, and I’ve been trying to convince Ken for years that it would be a solid investment!
Golf carts are the only reason anyone goes golfing, aren’t they? And you’re right, one would be a very solid investment. Just think of all the fun you’d have driving it around your yard.
Wonderbug was one of my favorite kid shows!
I’m tickled to find someone else who even remembers Wonderbug! It was one of my favorites too and to this day I still want to drive a dune buggy. I hear they’re dangerous. That and the lack of a roof, trunk, or backseat may be among the reasons you don’t see too many, but I don’t care. They look like fun.
I had forgotten about Wonderbug. I always loved the Krofft brothers shows.
They really had some fun shows that made it worth getting up early on Saturday mornings.
I get it. Sid and Marty Kroft did so many great things in the 70’s.
They really did and it’s a shame they’ve been more or less forgotten.