When it’s cold outside, and lately it’s been really, really, really cold outside, I like to sit at the back of the bus. Actually even when it’s warm outside I like to sit near the back of the bus, just because I’m weird like that, but when it’s cold sometimes I can find the seat at the very back of the bus that’s right over the engine so it’s nice and warm. That’s a good thing because I’ve usually been standing at the bus stop for a while, not to mention the three block walk to the stop. It’s also a bad thing because I know that getting all warmed up and sweaty is going to make the walk home from the bus stop worse than it would be if I sat in the chilly midsection of the bus, but better to be warm now and cold later than cold now and even colder later. And no matter where I sit as the bus gets closer to my stepping off stop I work my way up to the front. I always like to thank the driver and wish them a nice evening as I disembark because I think driving the bus is mostly a thankless job, unlike driving an electric streetcar which is a tankless job, and, yes, I really did go well out of my way just to make that pun because I’m weird like that.
Anyway the other day when I got on the bus there was already some guy sitting at the very back of the bus. He was sitting on one side, and it was kind of nice to know I’m not the only one who’s weird like that. When I sat down on the other side, though, I realized he was sitting on the engine side, so I made sure to give him a cold look. He stepped off only a couple of stops ahead of me but I still slipped over to his side and then had to rush to the front of the bus when we reached my stop. I was determined to get as warm as I could in the few minutes we had because, well, I’m weird like that.
That is one very clean-looking bus! Much nicer than the ones we have here. I couldn’t watch the video though–seeing Chris Cornell still makes me a little weepy.
It was a very new bus and one of the double-length ones which are always fun to ride. And I’m sorry about bringing up Chris Cornell. He was incredibly talented and missed.
I don’t think it is weird to want to get warm. I don’t think it is weird to go out of your way to thank the driver (which I do also). And I definitely don’t think it is weird to go out of your way for a pun. All of these I would classify as necessities. I also classify Hawkins cheezies as a necessity too, but I’m weird like that 🙂
There is nothing weird about classifying Hawkins cheezies as a necessity. They’re one of many fine things that Canada has unleashed upon the world.
That and Justin Bieber are our greatest exports.
You can have the Biebs back, and while you are at it, take Alex Trebek too.
So, we meet again Mr. Connery.

Yeah, I’ve been known to pick seats on buses, in classrooms, etc. based solely on their proximity to heat or cold. And I always greet the driver. I also talk with my Uber drivers. I have met some really interesting folks.
Talking to Uber drivers must be really interesting. I assume they’re a very diverse group. One of these days I might even taken an Uber ride myself just for the chance to talk to the driver.
This was a punny post! Puns and alliteration. That’s right. You’re welcome.
What do you get when you combine puns and alliteration? I’m sure there’s a punny term for that.
I always like to thank the writer of this blog and wish them a nice evening as I leave a comment because I think writing a blog is mostly a thankless job and also a bankless job because it doesn’t pay anything, and, yes, I really did go well out of my way just to make that pun because I’m weird like that.
It’s reassuring that we can be weird together. In that respect blogging is not a thankless job. Putting my weirdness out into the universe allows me to find kindred spirits, for which I am always grateful.