The other day the power went out in my office. Everything went dark and I yelled “Yay!” which made several people laugh. Then someone said, “I’ll call the building manager,” someone else said, “I’ll get a flashlight”, and I said, “Nick! Heath! Jared! There’s a fire in the barn!” and several people laughed again and my boss yelled “Quit encouraging him!” but that’s another story. Everything came back on a few minutes later—well, almost everything. The elevators were shut down for about an hour. By a very lucky coincidence no one was in any of the elevators at the time. Whenever there’s a power outage or even just a problem with the elevators it reminds me that in movies or TV shows whenever people are trapped in an elevator they always climb out through the escape hatch in the roof and yet I’ve never been in an elevator that had an escape hatch I could see, and even if I could I’m too short to reach the ceiling, let alone climb out through it. So if I’m ever trapped in an elevator I’ll probably just sit around jabbing buttons which inspired my penultimate entry in the Black & White Photo Challenge, one I like to call Getting Pushy.
And if you’re taking part in the Black & White Photo Challenge feel free to plug your own blog below.

Source: gfycat
Ooh–Imperial Fighter, X-Wing Fighter, Darth Vader!
I can’t believe I’d forgotten your Star Wars death elevator! Although it’s almost as though I’d planned it since the elevator I photographed is not the one in the building where I work.
I’ve been stuck in an elevator before. (probably no surprise there huh?) I didn’t attempt to look for an escape hatch, but I did look for the phone they say is there. There isn’t one. Instead there is a button to push, (which I did several times)that directly calls 911 and gives them the location of the elevator. There isn’t much more I can tell you about that though, since I am claustrophobic af. I had a panic attack etc etc…
That sounds pretty awful. I can’t imagine what it must be like being stuck in an elevator but I always familiarize myself with the emergency phone and alarm button. I know someone who got stuck in an elevator and used the emergency phone. Half an hour later he called back to see how things were going. The person he’d talked to said “Oh, I forgot to send anyone.”
Try not to think of that if it ever happens to you again. Just sing silly songs!
Thanks for pushing our buttons, Chris. Great image, stories, and quotes!
East is east and west is west, and thank you for choosing to drop by my direction with your buttons and bows.
I say that to folks on elevators all the time! “Where’s that escape hatch I always see in movies?” They mostly look at me kind of odd and my wife punches me in the arm. I guess folks don’t like to think about escape while their actually ON an elevator.
Pop quiz: Where does that “Nick, Heath, Jared” reference originally come from? Who was Heath? What was his next big show? How about the one after that?
No cheating, but I bet you’ve got this!
Wait, is it “Big Valley”? No, that’s the one with Tom Barkley’s guts. If I could cheat I’d have more than enough answers for you. Heath wasn’t Michael Landon, was he? I’m just guessing here. I remember when he was a teenage werewolf.
Anyway I hope we share an elevator sometime. I can get on your shoulders and we can find that escape hatch.
That would be epic. Let’s film the whole thing!
It was Big Valley, so your gut instinct was correct. Lee Majors played Heath and went on to become The Six Million Dollar Man and then the fall guy from The Fall Guy. I used to pretend to be sick to stay home from school sometimes to watch The Big Valley. I wonder if it stood the test of time? I’ll have to give it a watch sometime and see if Lee’s still got it, all those years ago …
Lee Majors is about due for a comeback, isn’t he? We need to get him together with Lee Ann Womack, Lee Greenwood, Spike Lee, Jet Li, and find some way to bring back Lee Van Cleef and Lee Marvin.
Anyway I never watched The Big Valley but there was a commercial for it where Victoria Barkley says something like, “Now get out there and show us Tom Barkley’s guts!” and then it immediately cuts to a shot of an entire cow roasting on a spit. That cracked up my friends and I and “Tom Barkley’s guts” became an inside joke.