Time To Leave.

The Vanderbilt University campus is a national arboretum. When my mother was a student at what was then Peabody College—it’s since been incorporated into Vanderbilt—she took a botany class and had to collect the leaves of one hundred different trees. The professor directed the class to Vanderbilt and said, “Trust me. You won’t have any trouble.” And just a few years ago a friend of mine was visiting Nashville and I gave him a tour of the campus, which I really enjoy doing. He kept looking at all the trees and green spaces and saying, “This is what a college campus should look like!” He works for another university that shall remain nameless, but that’s another story.

Among Vanderbilt’s many trees are several gingko trees, including at least one that’s over a hundred years old, so here’s my final entry in the Black & White Photo Challenge, which I call, Gingko? Why Don’t You Go?

Thanks to Tom Being Tom for nominating me and now it’s time to go out on a song.

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  1. floweringink

    Loved your photos Christopher, and going out on The Clash is always a good choice!

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it, even knowing in retrospect that I decided to stay. Surprisingly the trouble was not double.

  2. Allison

    My time on the Vanderbilt Campus has been limited, but I think southern schools in general do a good job of putting on a pretty face. I remember looking at schools in some sort of reference guide as a kid and wanted to go to Peabody College, in part because I wanted to teach, but mostly because I was such a huge Jay Ward fan.

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      For a moment I was thinking Jay Ward had attended Peabody College and I was going to add his name to the handful of famous ones I tell people about when they tour the campus, but, well…it took me a few minutes to figure it out. I guess that makes me a Sherman. True story: a friend of mine had a t-shirt that I always coveted with a picture of Bullwinkle and it said “Graduate of Whassamata U.”

  3. Ann Koplow

    Because of where you go, Chris, I’ll always stay.

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      I always enjoy visiting your blog and can’t tell you how much it means that you visit mine.

  4. Tom

    You completed it!

    I got fired out. Maybe I’ll return to the rest of my shots someday. 😉

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      One of my favorite WordPress functions is the ability to schedule posts in advance. Some things I write months or even years in advance. That way if there’s ever an emergency I can have posts stacked up and ready to go. And if things get really bad, well, I’ll hopefully go out on a high note.

      1. Tom

        Sometimes I want to just hit a like button, but since you don’t have a like button I will have to write an entire sentence to tell you I like that idea.

        I can shorten that sentence if you think it’s too long. 😁


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