Every year when Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States there are certain traditions, including turkey and its own special side dish which, depending on where you are, is known as either stuffing–because it’s sometimes stuffed into and cooked with the turkey–or dressing. Regardless of what you call it it’s an essential part of the Thanksgiving meal, but varies widely from state to state. Here are the most popular stuffing, or dressing, ingredients across the United States.
Alabama-corn bread
Arkansas-hot springs mud
California-walnuts, oranges, self-loathing
Connecticut-PEZ candy
Delaware-disc golf
Idaho-potatoes, Napoleon Dynamite DVDs
Illinois-pizza (deep dish)
Indiana-waffles, basketballs
Iowa-formerly corn, now mostly ethanol
Kentucky-bluegrass, white linen suits
Maryland-clam chowder
Michigan-perch, pierogis
Minnesota-mosquitoes, hockey pucks, public radio programs
Mississippi-cactus, old issues of National Geographic
Missouri-barbecued ribs
Montana-a steak stuffed inside another steak
Nebraska-corn husks
Nevada-corn chips, casino chips
New Hampshire-grapes, pewter
New Jersey-Skee-Ball balls
New Mexico-lapis lazuli
New York-pizza (thin crust)
North Carolina-microbrewed beer
North Dakota-gravel
Ohio-cash registers
Oregon-Flexiturducken (a chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey stuffed inside a tofu loaf)
Pennsylvania-sports mascots
Rhode Island-macaroni, feathers
South Carolina-iodine
South Dakota-accordions
Tennessee-fried okra, dreams of making it in the country music industry
Vermont-artisanal ice cream
Virginia-overdue library books
Washington-octopus, silicon
West Virginia-coal
Wisconsin-cheese curds
Wyoming-prairie oysters
LMAO! Especially at “self-loathing.” 🤣
Great stuff. You put some effort into this, Chris!
You mean great stuffing. 😉
I love stuffing, Chris, so I won’t be moving from Massachusetts any time soon. As always, I’m giving thanks for your blog.
Stuffing is a wonderful thing, and I’m thankful you’ve stuffed some comments here.