Normally I don’t look in anyone’s windows, even office windows just because it’s rude to stare at people even if they’re working, or maybe especially if they’re working, since I always make more mistakes when someone’s looking at me, and I like to keep my windows open to let in natural light to balance out the glare of the fluorescents, or at least I would if I had windows in my office, but that’s another story. Anyway the other day I glanced over at a ground-level office window and saw this:
It made me laugh and also a little sad. Offices are our natural habitat? And then I thought that maybe this is the office of someone who really loves what they do and that made me feel better, and they probably work better when they’re being stared at, which made me feel even better, but then I thought maybe they missed their calling as an actor, and that made me sad again.
It also reminded me that Edward Hopper would ride trains around New York and was sometimes inspired by people he saw through windows, creating paintings like this one:
It’s an interesting painting for a lot of reasons. The title Office At Night suggests that this couple is working late and that there may be more than work going on once they pull down the shades. It’s also ironic that Hopper took what might have been a fleeting glimpse and turned it into a painting which we, the viewer, can linger over and study in detail.
It also reminded me of this, from the back cover of The Far Side Gallery, which I got for my birthday when I was a kid. This portrait of Gary Larson seemed like a bonus joke which made me laugh, but then I thought, holy mackerel, they’ve got him in a really small space, which made me sad, and then I thought, yeah, but he probably has an outdoor enclosure where he can go and hang out, and that made me feel better.
Also I think a person’s “natural habitat” is wherever makes them happy. That’s just me, though. What’s your natural habitat?
Natural habitat? I think that changes with different environments. Right now it’s in or on my bed.
Yes, we humans seem to have a lot of natural habitats. I think the bed is a pretty good one.
Tbh I don’t think I am comfortable in ANY one place for too long, although lately bed sounds wonderful
Hey, as long as we’re moving we’re alive, right? But like you I like a change of scenery on a regular basis.
This reminds me of why I’m so jealous of my boss, whose office is directly opposite a condo which features a small, white dog. Every time it appears, she sends me a notification so I can go running in and see it for myself, which is very nice of her:-)
That’s very nice that you get to see the small white dog every once in a while. With summer here now it seems like I see people out walking their dogs all the time which is nice to see but also makes me wish I could be outside.
One of my natural habitats is here, Chris. Thanks for making it so habitable.
My goal is to create a welcoming habitat for fun, clever, and interesting people, and you’ve shown that it’s working.
My natural habitat is my back deck, naturally. A warm sun, a cold beer, a gaggle of goldens. I was made for loving it, baby, and it was made for loving me.
I have people walk by out front all the time and put their faces up to the glass on our storefront and I think, “what the hell is your deal, person?” I guess they could just be artists getting a feel for their next project. I’ll be more understanding now, and maybe even give ’em the old tongue-out, cross-eyed look for posterity. How about a moon, man?
Wanna know what’s funny about the cramped office habitat? My wife just started her new job and after years of retail stuff she was most excited about the idea of having her own cubicle. One man’s prison is another woman’s free space, I suppose. 🙂
Your natural habitat sounds like a great place to be natural–or even Mr. Natural, who you may remember from Zap Comix.
Anyway I think you should give the people who put their faces up to the storefront something to look at. Maybe not a full moon, but something interesting. I’d forgotten this until just now but the first webcam I ever saw was pointed at a guy sitting at his desk. There was a link you could click to make the camera beep and he’d turn and wave at it, which you could see when the page refreshed after five minutes or so. Ah, the early internet…
Anyway I’m glad your wife likes her cubicle.
Natural Habitat = cottage dock. I would live there and in the sauna all year long if the weather and the black flies would make it more enjoyable. This post does give me an idea for a plaque for our dock though…
Kristine Laco recently posted…To My Corkcicle, With Love
The weather is one thing but the black flies…I’ve had experience with those monsters. I hope there are times of the year when the weather and the black flies cooperate enough to let you enjoy the cottage dock. Also I’ve heard that swallowing a tablespoon of vinegar is an effective insect repellent. It might attract black flies, though.