Everybody’s In Art.

As an art history guy, and a fan of art in general, I’ve missed going to museums or even just finding neighborhood graffiti, but there’s been an upside: people at home recreating their favorite works of art. Or just works of art. And I could say a lot about art bringing people together and being therapeutic and never mind I’m just gonna share some of my favorite examples, although the critic in me can’t help spotting certain categories. For instance there are the elaborately faithful reproductions:

Source: Sad And Useless

Source: Bored Panda

Source: Instagram

And then there are the ones that tweak the original slightly.

Source: Bored Panda

Source: Sad and Useless

Source: My Modern Met

Some use the original as an inspiration.

Source: Instagram

Source: Smithsonian

And then there are the ones that are so staggeringly brilliant I feel like they’ve improved on the originals.

Source: Facebook

And then there are the ones that…don’t.

Picture of Mercury About To Slay Argos by Bertel Thorvaldsen from Wikimedia

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  1. mydangblog

    I love these so much! And I think you’re doing a very passable “Man With Shovel and Book”!

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      The funny thing is it’s not a book. In the original Mercury is holding his pan flute and I’m holding the CD of “Everybody’s in Showbiz”. I thought a CD was a good modern update even if CDs aren’t really current anymore. It’s kind of hard to hold a media file.

  2. Ann Koplow

    Thou art my hero, Chris, which I hope you know.
    Ann Koplow recently posted…Day 2702: What’s hard to say?My Profile

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      You’re my hero too, and I’m so glad that’s something we can share.

  3. Kristine Laco

    I’ve wanted to do one of these, but then I realize I’d have to research, contemplate, and frankly get off the couch and that isn’t happening. Glad other people are having fun though.
    Kristine Laco recently posted…Love In The Time of CovidMy Profile

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Browsing through them can be fun by itself but there are also options if you don’t want to leave the couch.

  4. Pingback: Hey, Mr. DJ... - Freethinkers Anonymous

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