Fishing Lure Or Early 20th Century Dance Craze?
- Lindy Hop
- Bagley Balsa B
- Balboa
- Lunker Lure Buzzbait
- Heddon Torpedo
- Collegiate Shag
- Charleston
- Jitterbug*
- Hula Grub
- Foxtrot
- Gitzit
- Shimmy
- Blue Fox Foxee Jig
- Panther Martin
- Toddle
- Big Apple
- Rooster Tail
- Turkey Trot
- Castle Walk
- Gibbs Pencil Popper
- Spoonplug
- Quadrille
- Mepps Aglia
- Maxixe
- Brain Wash Blue
20-25—You regularly trip the light fantastic at a Friday night fish fry.
15-19—You know your way around a dance floor and your grandfather took you fishing regularly when you were a kid.
10-14—You’ve been to a lot of wedding receptions and your grandfather took you fishing once when you were a kid.
5-9—You took a salsa class on a dare and once saw a copy of The Compleat Angler in a bookstore.
1-4—You once ate a worm while hopping on one leg and tell people you did it on a dare.
Answer Key:
My idea is that half of these are names of Honky Tonks in Downtown Nashville, the other half are Nashville dishes, one of them is both, and one of them is neither. How did I do?
ANN J KOPLOW recently posted…Day 3056: The places that scare you
I think you’ve been known to trip the light fishtastic a time or two. I haven’t checked but it wouldn’t surprise me if there is at least one Honky Tonk called The Jitterbug.