Lost In Space.

The time between Christmas and New Year’s Day is weird, isn’t it? Apparently I’m not the only one–a friend remarked that “it’s that time of year when you lose track of what day of the week it is.” I do that almost any time I’m on vacation anyway, in spite of the looming specter of the eventual return to work.  I’m trying to enjoy it as much as I can because it feels terrible to complain–I know a lot of people don’t get a break at all, or have worse problems, but I feel a bit lost between the holidays. It doesn’t seem like enough time to really be ready, although I don’t know what enough time would be. And there are things to be done: cleaning, packing away Christmas items, changing the oil in the car.

One of the things I got for my birthday was a pair of wireless headphones, and I was amazed, given my limited abilities with technology, that I was able to get them to work. And then, in a sort of echo of the general miasma, I felt deflated. The reason I wanted wireless headphones was so I could listen to podcasts and music on my way to and from work, but, unlike the holiday, my time working from home doesn’t have a fixed endpoint yet. It’s still vague. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel but no one’s sure how long the tunnel really is. 

At least I know when the holidays end so I have time to arrange my schedule, make some plans, and try to fill whatever gaps there are with something that will make me glad I had the time off.


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  1. markbialczak

    Glad you have some time off from the library job between the holidays, Chris. I’m about to head in, and yes, to the building I go (still, knock on wood). Great to hear that you figured out the wireless headphones.

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      I seem to be having much better luck with technology lately, either because it’s getting better or I’m getting better at handling technology, although my luck with library technology hasn’t improved. It seems to be one area where making life easier for the user isn’t a priority.


    I feel lost in space too, Chris, and I’m glad I found the space to make a comment on yet another great blog post from you. Happy New Year and thank goodness that Decemberween is almost over.
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    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Well, Decemberween is long past now, but I’m finally getting my bearings and getting caught up on things, and I’m glad we can share this space.


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