It’s the season when every young person’s fancy turns lightly to thoughts of sneezing, coughing, and congestion, which means it’s time for a pop quiz: Allergy Medication or Star Wars alien?
- Chagrian
- Muftak
- Lotemax
- Arcona
- Prednisolone
- Flovent
- Quarren
- Qnasl
- Amanin
- Zetonna
- Snivvian
- Aqualish
- Rhinocort
- Zaditor
- Xyzal
- Gungan
- Nausicaan
- Ithorian
- Gamorrean
- Astelin
- Claridryl
- Sullustan
- Pazeo
- Grogu
- Nasonex

Source: Wikipedia
Answer Key (tip: you can copy the image, paste it into Paint or a similar program, and reverse it)
Me and my trusty mirror!
Well, that’s one way to do it.
I flunked Chris, probably because I’m lucky enough never to have had allergies, although I’m mystified at my lack of knowledge of Star Wars villains.
Sometimes losing is winning. There are a surprising number of Star Wars aliens. Or maybe not that surprising given that it spans a whole galaxy.
This quiz is a fun and clever way to remind us how tricky it can be to distinguish between allergy medications and Star Wars aliens! It’s definitely the season for stocking up on antihistamines, but this playful mix-up brings some humor to an otherwise sneezy situation. May the force be with us all as we battle allergy season!
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