Source: Wikipedia
Costco is selling gold bars. Or they were. Apparently they’ve all sold out now. That’s okay—I have a Costco membership and there’s a lot of other stuff there I’d rather have. I love Costco because it’s the only place I can get a seven-gallon jar of Nutella, which is almost enough to last me a month. And I used to go there to get a free lunch from the samples they were giving away. Well, free if you don’t count the membership price. I went there with my parents once and they were giving out free samples of mini-bagel pizzas. My father went back so many times that finally the lady who was handing them out just said, “Here, sir, just take the whole tray.”
I lalso ove gold. Even though, as far as I know, I don’t own anything made of gold—no jewelry, no coins, not even a gold tooth, which I’d only put in for Talk Like A Pirate Day—I love that this weird yellowish metal that’s not really good for anything is one of the most valued things on the planet. Yes, I know, gold is a really good conductor—even better than copper—but how many houses do you know that are wired with gold? Because if they were they’d need all that conductivity to run a superpowered security system. Gold is valuable because its color is distinctive and it’s so non-reactive if you find some krennerite rocks you can put them next to a campfire and gold will literally ooze out. That happened in the Australian town of Kalgoorlie in the 1890s. When people discovered the bricks they’d built their homes out of contained small amounts of gold they literally started tearing the town apart, finding, in some cases, as much as two ounces of gold for every ton of rock. And I hope they got something out of that because you can build a house with a ton of bricks but you can’t sleep in two ounces of gold. That’s what I love about gold, though, and also why I don’t really want any: people get so stupid about it. One of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes is “The Rip Van Winkle Caper” about four criminals who steal a million dollars worth of gold—back in 1961 when it was $35 an ounce. It’s up to $1,865.74 now. But when they wake up in 2061 it’s worthless because “they figured out a way to manufacture it.”
So here’s a tip from Rod Serling: sell your gold some time in the next thirty-eight years.
I also hope I’m around in 2061 because I would really love to have a car with giant plastic domes and no seatbelts. Even more than gold.
I used to have a Costco membership but I never really needed to buy gold in bulk. I’d get one again but the parking is a nightmare!
I think we’re lucky that the Costco nearest us has pretty open parking. And the main thing I buy there is string cheese for our dogs which is easy to carry out. I once heard someone say there were two in their area, the nearest one being “the Mos Eisley Costsco”. Because you will never find a more wretched hive…Ours isn’t that bad but I do love that.
Pure gold, Chris, I think you’ll enjoy this article about gold that somebody shared with me on Twitter (I’ve stopped calling it “X” because I dislike the gold-hoarder who renamed it). http://www.engadget.com/gold-nanocoating-glasses-that-dont-fog-up-160057012.html
ANN J KOPLOW recently posted…Day 3925: Shutdowns
That is fascinating. I have a book called The Disappearing Spoon about the periodic table with anecdotes about all the different elements. Gold is one of the more interesting ones just because of its long history and the desire it inspires, but it can also be a useful element, all because of the way its electrons are arranged.