It’s another Monday. For a moment it felt like my work weeks had become routine until I started thinking about what this time last week was like. It was cloudy with a threat of thunderstorms later in the day, and warm enough that it almost felt like summer. Because of the threat of rain I parked in a lower level of the parking garage and hoped I’d remember which one it was in the afternoon. This week the morning temperature was close to freezing, even as I seemed to be driving right into the sun. I parked on the roof of the parking garage and I hope I’ll remember that this afternoon.
Between last Monday and today I’ve gotten either allergies or a mild cold. I’m allergic to very few things that I know of, none of them plants, but our bodies change over time. Maybe there’s something in the air that’s got me sneezing and coughing. To be on the safe side I took both an allergy medication and a cold remedy and let them sort it out. That worked though I’m no closer to solving the mystery of what I have, and there’s enough overlap between the symptoms the two drugs treat that further testing hasn’t cleared things up even if it’s mostly cleared up my nasal congestion.
Last Monday I rode the elevator up to my office alone, which isn’t unusual. Most people who work here, I think, arrive later, when the building has automatically unlocked, so they don’t have to deal with the extra step of scanning their ID card to get in. This morning, though, when I got in there were five other people already in the elevator, and one of them motioned for me to come on in so I didn’t feel I could wait for the next one. I stepped in and hoped I wasn’t crowding the others with my backpack with my laptop, my folio bag, my lunch, and my ukulele. I said, “I know I’ve got a lot of baggage but I’m seeing a therapist.”
I thought this might at least get a chuckle instead of the uncomfortable shifting and one person murmuring affirmatively, but maybe next week I’ll have a chance to try it on a different group.
I appreciate the reference to The Bengals. ????
Thomas Slatin recently posted…The Muses Companion – April 24, 2024
The funny thing is “Manic Monday” was playing on the radio while I was driving in to work that morning. Well, now that I think about it it’s not that surprising since it was Monday, and I’m sure that song is on some radio station at least once a week.
I would have laughed my head off at your baggage joke but I’ve always appreciated elevator humour. I feel the same way about parking garages–Ken and I once went to a concert and when it was over, we wandered around the parking garage for almost an hour trying to find our car before realizing we had parked in a different parking garage!
For several years now I’ve seen signs in parking garages that mark the floor and section and also say “Take a picture of this sign so you’ll remember where you parked.” It’s a really good idea and would have helped me on those occasions when I’ve forgotten which floor I was parked on.
I plan to use the baggage joke again and see what response it gets.
I would have laughed at your joke, Chris, which has nothing to do with my being a therapist. Thanks for sharing with this group.
I thought of you when I told it and also when I wrote about it, and I just remembered that there used to be a therapy center in the building where I work. I like to think that if there still were someone from there would have laughed. I plan to try it again, though.