Free Parking.

It’s been a week now since I slipped into the parking garage without scanning my ID. For a long time I had a problem, as a matter of principle, with having to pay for parking, but when I thought about it I realized that I have many other options: riding the bus, carpooling. I could even walk. According to Google Maps the walk would be just under seven miles which, at my usual walking pace, would get me there at under an hour and a half. I might even go faster since I’d be really motivated to get past the stretches with no sidewalks and very little shoulder where the speed limit is 40MPH, which means most cars zip by at around fifty. Biking is also an option, though I’d have a lot of hills to go over and I’d still have to worry about traffic, though, funny enough, Google shows a route for both walking and biking that goes through a local park, so not only would that keep me away from traffic but I could begin and end each day with a nice trip through the woods.

Between wanting to sleep late, though, and wanting to get home at the end of the day—unless I have errands which could be difficult if I were walking or biking—driving is the best option. And I recognize that being able to park is a privilege, so, as a matter of principle, I’m fine paying for it. Besides six dollars a day to park when I only go in to the office a couple of times a week isn’t selling my soul to the company store.

And last week there was some construction work being done on the parking garage. It all seemed to be on the outside and on the roof—cars were still allowed to park, but I had to go the long way around because the alternate entrance was the only one that was open. For some reason they had also taken out the card scanner at the other entrance. The other entrance is usually where I exit—the geography of parking garages baffles me and I can never figure out why I can go in at the entrance at one end of the building, circle around the floors, then, on my way out, end up at the entrance at the other end—so I know there’s usually a card scanner there. With no card scanner there they were offering free parking.

I did think about asking someone whether the parking that day really was free, but I’d already been all the way around the block to get to the entrance and none of the construction guys looked like they were in the mood to answer questions. Also I figure if it does turn out I made a mistake it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

As a matter of principle.

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  1. mydangblog

    Did they reinstall the readers or are you still riding the free parking wave?
    mydangblog recently posted…Mydangblog and the Blustery DayMy Profile

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      The next week the readers were back so the free parking is over. I still have this lingering fear I’m going to be ticketed for not paying that one time.

  2. Ann Koplow

    I can relate, Chris, but I think you’re in the clear.

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      At this point I’m breathing a sigh of relief that no one’s come after me for one day of free parking. And I’ve paid for many since.


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