Dumpsters are popular sites for tagging. This is probably because they’re out of the way and most people don’t care about them. Business rent dumpsters and stick them out of the way and every once in a while the business that owns the dumpsters sends a truck around to empty them and I’d be surprised if the drivers who do that have any concern with how the dumpsters look. And no one really cares who throws anything away in dumpsters. Got some trash in your car? Throw it in the nearest dumpster. No one’s going to complain. They’re perpetually someone else’s problem, or no one’s problem, which is why someone labeling a dumpster “Dream Catcher” seems like a bitter, angry statement. Someone’s saying, dreams are trash.
Of course I always second-guess myself. There’s a long history of dumpster-diving, especially around college campuses. Back in 2009 the Nashville Scene profiled a local man who picked through campus trash after the students left for the summer. They did, and still do, leave a surprising variety of things behind, from refrigerators and microwaves to laptop computers and clothing. There are official drop-off places for donations but not everyone knows about those or has time to get to them. People packing to leave their dorms—especially graduates who have no plans to ever come back—understandably might just hit the nearest dumpster.
So maybe it was a bitter, angry statement, or maybe it was meant to be more ambiguous, maybe even positive. One person’s trash is another person’s dream. That reminds me of a classic line from Mitch Hedberg:
I’ve found a couple of good things in dumpsters myself so maybe the tag isn’t that cynical (although if it is, it’s also really funny!)
mydangblog recently posted…That’s My Name
I like to think the tag works on a lot of levels, both funny and sincere. It’s kind of odd timing for it, though–most of the time the dumpsters are out when the students are leaving. I’m not sure why they were on the street while students are moving in.
I was thinking that tag was ambiguous, Chris, and I love the synchronicity with my post for today.
Ann Koplow recently posted…Day 4262: Hopes and Dreams
Ambiguity is the source of creativity, and I appreciate your creativity, Ann.