I Don’t Care If Monday’s Blue.

Mondays are always tough. I know that’s a cliché and hackneyed joke, one that can be counted on to pop up on a regular basis everywhere from the office watercooler to Garfield comics. It’s so pervasive there’s even a counter-response, people who like Mondays. I can respect that even if I don’t share the feeling. Especially this Monday. This weekend I was sick and didn’t get much done. A busy weekend can make Monday feel like a relief, even if it’s not entirely welcome, just because it is a break. Almost as old as jokes about Mondays is the saying that “a bad day of [fill in hobby] is better than a good day at work!” My feeling is that even a good day of housecleaning isn’t that much better than a good day at work, unless somebody brought donuts in, which usually happens on Thursdays. When I’m cleaning the house no one’s going to bring in donuts unless I bring them in myself.

This weekend I was also sick. There was a sudden drop in the temperature last week and while I’m healthy in almost every other way I get a cold at the drop of a hat. Or rather at the drop in the mercury. I’ve been coughing and blowing my nose for a few days but didn’t really realize how sick I was until Saturday when I changed the sheets and made the bed while listening to “The Day Before You Came” by ABBA and that simple task was so exhausting I fell down onto the bed into a three hour nap. Then when I woke up I thought how nice it was that someone had changed the sheets and made the bed for me that I fell into a two hour nap.

I might not have even gotten up this morning but I had a doctor’s appointment, which was a nice break in my usual Monday routine of going to work. It was just a simple checkup—my doctor requires me to stop in and prove I’m still alive every six months or so and reauthorize all my prescriptions.

Instead of going to the office I drove back home, mostly along the same route that takes me home from work—my doctor’s office isn’t that far from my office, which is convenient, but, because I’d been sick, I decided to work from home. Normally my drive is very early in the morning or late in the afternoon so it was kind of a treat to see the midmorning world. There were people out walking dogs, people pushing strollers, even a half moon hanging high in the sky.

I still won’t go so far as to say I like Mondays but I like this Monday.

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  1. Thomas Slatin

    When it’s Friday, I’m in love. 😉
    Thomas Slatin recently posted…The Muses Companion – August 25, 2024My Profile

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Sounds like you found The Cure. 😀

  2. Matt

    There’s nothing like taking the Monday off. The only other thing better is taking the next day off, too.

  3. mydangblog

    Wait until you retire—Monday is just like any other day, once you stop waking up in a panic that you slept in and you’re late!
    mydangblog recently posted…Moving On, ThankfullyMy Profile

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      A coworker just retired and everyone was asking her what she planned to do. She kept saying she didn’t know which I thought was the perfect answer. She can enjoy the peace and there will be time to find things to do.

  4. Ann Koplow

    I like this Monday because it’s Labor Day and I’m reading your posts, Chris.

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      I’m glad I could help add some leisure to your Labor Day, Ann.


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