Slip Slidin’ Away.

The only time in my life I’ve ever eaten anything from White Castle is when a truck handing out free samples showed up near where I work a few years ago. Even when I was a kid I thought small square sliders only came from Krystal, which, having been founded in the south, was more common around here even if White Castle had been around longer.

I’m not saying I contributed to the demise of the White Castle on the corner of White Bridge Road and Charlotte Avenue here in Nashville—I’m just saying I didn’t help it survive. I’m a little sorry to see it go, though, because whenever I passed it I always remembered that one of the first times I saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show I’d never heard of or been to White Castle. So someone had to explain this audience participation bit to me:

BRAD MAJORS: Didn’t we pass a castle just up the road?

And seeing Rocky Horror in Nashville, or even in the Franklin Theater which is about twenty miles to the south, a lot of the audience’s line was a very local “SELLS HAMBURGERS ON WHITE BRIDGE ROAD?” Because there just weren’t that many White Castles in the area.

I was still young—especially compared to what I am now—and somewhat naïve but at least I understood what followed:

However it’s soon followed by one of the funniest audience participation lines:

JANET WEISS: I’m coming with you!
JANET WEISS: Besides, darling, the owner of that castle might be a beautiful woman—

It’s a little strange to me that it’s now easier to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show than it is to find a White Castle. Or even a Krystal. But it’s definitely the healthier option.

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  1. mydangblog

    I once saw Rocky Horror and before the show started, the audience was warned that we weren’t allowed to participate! What’s the point if you can’t throw toast?! Ha ha!

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Wow, how could you have Rocky Horror without audience participation? Granted I’m fine with not throwing things at the screen–the first time I went it was pretty wild with toilet paper rolls flying through the air and some people got pelted with ice. But the audience shoutouts and responses are part of the fun. I saw the live play once and The Criminologist ended up being everyone’s favorite performer because he had a brilliant comeback for every insult the audience threw at him.

  2. Allison

    I have never seen Rocky Horror in a theatre, and I really, really want to. It is high on my list.

    I have eaten at White Castle, and I am not a fan. I prefer Krystal, because I don’t want to have to add the mustard myself.

    That said one of the worst cases of food poisoning I ever had was from the Melrose Krystal – now home to Chick-fil-A. I had to give up Krystal for years. Even now, it’s a guilty pleasure – heavy on the guilt.

    I think a night of Rocky Horror followed by Krystal might send me over the edge. I wanna feel diiiiiirty.

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Funny enough when I used to go to Rocky Horror one of the things we did sometimes was go to Krystal afterward and play pickle races. That’s where you put a couple of pickles on the window and see which one slides down fastest. Anyway I would say you still have a chance to see Rocky Horror at the Belcourt but it’s sold out. Crazy. The Franklin Theater might be the next best bet–that’s where I used to go when I was a teen. And if you don’t feel dirty afterward you haven’t seen Rocky Horror.


    Thanks for the time warp, Chris.

    1. Christopher Waldrop (Post author)

      Thank you for continuing to be astounding even as time is fleeting, Ann.


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